Go to 'Quotes', tap the instrument you want to trade and select 'New Order'.
Go to 'Trade', tap + sign to open a trade.
First, select the type of order you wish to place. There are 5 available types of order:
Instant Execution (Market Order)
Buy Limit
Sell Limit
Buy Stop
Sell Stop
Then, select the instrument from the drop down menu, enter the volume you wish to trade and tap 'place' at the bottom of the screen.
Closing/Modifying a Trade
In order to close open positions you have to go to the 'Trade' window. Tap and hold the selected position until the sub-menu is displayed and tap 'Close order' or 'Modify order'.
Modifying Existing Positions
Select the "Trade" tab to view your open positions and click on the order you wish to modify. In the menu that will appear, select the "Modify Order" option. Review and confirm changes by selecting the "Modify" option on the bottom of the screen. Upon completion of the request a confirmation screen will appear. You can always go back and check on modified positions by visiting the "History" tab.
通过选择利用其他公司拥有和运营的软件,教育资料,信息,产品或网站(“第三方资源”),即表示您确认了解并接受场外外汇市场固有的风险。 GO Markets不能也不会保证第三方系统,技术或策略的使用表现。 GO Markets 仅作为平台提供商。 GO Markets 不为任何第三方教育或软件提供商的技术专长背书,并且对消极的交易表现不承担任何责任。当您使用第三方资源时,您将受其条款和条件的约束,并且将不再受到我们的隐私政策或安全惯例的保护,该隐私政策或安全措施可能与第三方的政策,惯例和其他条款有所不同。您应该使自己熟悉任何许可或条款和条件,以及将控制您对资源使用的第三方资源的隐私政策和安全措施。交易诸如外汇(Forex)和差价合约(CFDs)类的杠杆衍生产品会给您的资金带来高风险。同样,您没有资格获得所投资产品的实际所有权。杠杆交易在放大收益的同时也可能会放大损失。损失金额可能会超过您原本的投资本金。衍生品交易因其存在的高风险性,并不适合所有投资者。