We’re here to help

Whether you need to contact us for platform support, customer support, trading hours, funding your accounts or opening a new account, our friendly team is here to assist.


Australia: 1800 885 571
United Kingdom: +44 2036 377 618
International: +61 385 667 680

Head Office

Melbourne Headquarters Address:
Level 11, 447 Collins Street,
Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia

Sydney Office Address:
Suite 27.01, Level 27, Governor Macquarie Tower,
1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000

China Desk

Phone: 0386 580 602 (墨尔本)
Email: [email protected]
WeChat: gomarkets_mel


Whether you’re new to trading FX or you have several years of experience trading currencies, you will find a lot of useful information in our FAQs.

Company Registrations

AFSL: 254963
ABN: 85 081 864 039
ACN: 081 864 039

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Where is GO Markets?

Melbourne, Australia

Level 11, 447 Collins Street,
Contact: +61 385 667 680
Web: www.gomarkets.com/au

Start trading with GO Markets

1. Confirm your identity

In just minutes we can verify your identity and create your account.

2. Fund account

Deposit via debit card or bank transfer to start trading

3. Place your trade

Take a position in your choice of instrument.