Why select our Standard Account?

Thousands of tradeable products

Wide-ranging products include Forex, Shares, Commodities, and Indices CFDs

No commission

Trade on industry leading spreads without any commission

Low spreads

Access spreads from 0.8 pips, aggregated from 22+ liquidity providers

We’re here to help

We provide personalised multilingual customer support 24/5 to help you with all your trading needs. Contact our support team for any questions you may have.

Wide range of base currencies

9 different base currencies available

Currency name`Currency symbol
Australian DollarAUD
Great British PoundGBP
New Zealand DollarNZD
United States DollarUSD
Singapore DollarSGD
Swiss FrancCHF
Canadian DollarCAD
Hong Kong Dollar HLD

Start trading Forex & CFDs with GO Markets

1. Confirm your identity

In just minutes we can verify your identity and create your account.

2. Fund account

Deposit via debit card or bank transfer to start trading

3. Place your trade

Take a position in your choice of instrument.

New to FX and CFD Trading?

Beginners guide to Forex

New to currency markets? Our Forex trading intro gives a solid foundation to your trading journey.

Introduction to Forex

Inner Circle – weekly group coaching

This network lets more experienced traders build confidence through education and market reviews.

Inner Circle webinars

GO Trade Academy: online education

Free high quality, content-rich program for all trading levels. Advance your understanding of Forex and CFD trading.

GO Trade Academy